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Best Use of Lime for Ponds, Birdbaths and more

David North | Dec 28, 2023

Keeping your bird baths, ponds, or any standing water clean is so important!


This post provides the easy and effective steps to apply First Saturday Lime to ponds and bird baths to eliminate any insects and algae causing bacteria. 

    Check out the video below for a step-by-step tutorial.

    How to Apply Lime to Standing Water - Pools, Bird Baths and more 

    A Word About Pond Water

    Pond water pH should range between about 7.0 and 9.0 for ponds with common pond fish and plants. If pH is not in the optimal range, fish and plants will become weak and vulnerable to disease. However, you don’t need to use chemicals to control your pond’s pH. It can be done with more natural methods, like First Saturday Lime’s formula that do not cause the pH levels to swing too quickly and without intense side effects. Check out our post about testing your ponds pH levels by clicking here.

    Easy Upkeep

    In the warmer months, weekly water changes of 10 to 20 percent, where you remove 10 to 20 percent of the dirty water and replace with clean water treated with First Saturday Lime, will prevent pH problems in a pond. For colder months, monthly water changes tend to do the trick. Check standing water around your home at least once a week to ensure your family is protected and healthy. The birdies will thank you with more visits and song!

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